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2024-2025学年招生资讯 / 2024-2025 Enrollment Information

华大中文学校的招生现场会,今年会在3 月24 日在洛威尔高中举行,同时也将揭开2024-2025学年招生的序幕。请大家密切留意,锁定名校学位!
详情请登陆我们的网站:http://www.huadachinese.com 或致电:(415)602-9832查询。
Huada Chinese Academy’s enrollment fair will take place in Lowell high school on the morning of Sunday, March 24, 2024. Please mark your calendar and make sure to secure an elite Chinese school’s seat.
For more information, please visit: http://www.huadachinese.com, or contact: 415-602-9832.